Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop





What I Ate: March 12, 2010 (Kick-Ass Premier)

Posted 13 March, 2010 at 1:41am by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Food, What I Ate)

Lunch: I spent the morning at South by Southwest and came home to take delivery of my new desk and help the installers mount my keyboard trays properly. Then I made crab salad sandwiches for our lunch.
Crab Sandwich

Dinner: I gulped down nutrition bars and a burger while standing in line for Kick-Ass (which I got to see and thought it was really well done) and the sneak peek for Predators (which I did not get into). No picture unfortunately.

Due to the lack of food photos, I'll include a couple of photos of the cast and crew of Kick-Ass.

Here's a shot of Clark Duke (you may recognize him from Sex Drive) as he takes his seat in the theater.
Clark Duke

Here's the director of Kick-Ass, Matthew Vaughn (Layer Cake, Stardust), the main actor Aaron Johnson, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse (best known for his role as Fogell/McLovin in Superbad)
Matthew Vaughn, Aaron Johnson, and Christoper Mintz-Plasse

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