Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop





What I Ate: December 5, 2010 (McDonald's)

Posted 17 December, 2010 at 12:26pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Food, What I Ate)

Dinner: I made fresh linguine and cooked it with spinach and Johnsonville Italian Sausage. (The recipe for the dish is here.)
Homemade fresh linguine with Johnsonville Italian sausage and spinach

Lunch: A quick fast food lunch at McDonald's (Filet-O-Fish and Chicken McNuggets) on the way up to Leander to check out what's in stock at Austin's Furniture Liquidator (by the way, great people and great prices if anyone is looking for furniture in the Austin area).
McDonald's - Filet-o-Fish and ten Chicken McNuggets

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