Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




Link Exchange Page

Posted 13 August, 2007 at 10:50pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Uncategorized)

Here are people who have asked me to link to them. I don't vouch for their websites…

Culinary Arts College
Culinary Arts College is a non-profit site dedicated to elevating American cuisine by encouraging a new generation of chefs to attend a culinary arts college.

Hispanic Dating
Corazones is the premier site for friendly Latin and Hispanic dating worldwide. Find sexy latinos like you!

A restaurant review site that features over 350,000 restaurants.

A public interest website focused on setting up, hosting and attending cookery groups.

AmazingRibs.com by Craig "Meathead" Goldwyn is a massive site, bigger than many books, all about the Zen of Barbecue, with great recipes for ribs, pulled pork, beef brisket, chicken, sauces, rubs, side dishes, and the web's best buying guide to barbecue smokers and grills.

Mover New York
Transition to and from New York is about choosing a professional and reliable NYC mover, to offer you the best relocating services.

25 comments to Link Exchange Page

Teresita Bella, December 23rd, 2007 at 6:27 am:

  • Hello from Buenos Aires, Argentina!
    My name is Teresita and I read your blog periodically. The reason I am writing to you is because I wanted to ask you if you would like to narrate in your blog about latin American foods and in particular a typical dish from Argentina called Empanadas. I have opened my kitchen in Buenos Aires (capital of Argentina) to teach those who love to cook to learn how to prepare typical dishes from six south American countries. As I have many years traveled to remote indigenous villages in the north of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Paraguay, when I teach my classes, I tell people why Latin food has a great influence of native indigenous people in our contemporary cuisine.

    Below, please find an overview of what empanadas are, also an example of the influence of indigenous food preparation in contemporary Argentine cuisine and the secret recipe I teach in my classes of empanadas. You are welcome to use it, and of course that if you would like to place my website of the cooking classes I give in Buenos Aires, I will thank you as people who read your blog might find interesting to learn about our foods as articles I post articles explaining the many different dishes that are typical from south America.

    Even if your readers will not visit Argentina, they could learn and tell other people about the dishes we prepare in south America.

    My website is http://www.try2cook.com and here you can meet me: http://try2cook.com/video-of-cooking-classes.html

    Also, please feel free to get any pictures of our website to post on your blog if you like or per your request, I will be happy to send you them.

    If you ever get to come down to Buenos Aires in Argentina, I will be honored to have you attend one of my classes. It is my invitation and I promise you will enjoy as you are a person who share the passion of food.

    Here below is for you to understand one very popular and traditional food from the people of south America.
    An overview of Latin empanadas

    The term empanada simply means breaded-as in breaded chicken or vegetables. However, in South America, the word has grown to refer to a stuffed, semi-circular pastry. Although the empanada has different incarnations in various countries, it always consists of a stuffing-be it a cheese, vegetable or meat-wrapped in dough, and then baked or fried. Fruit filling can be used to create dessert empanadas.

    In Argentina, the country that is perhaps most associated with the empanada, empanadas are served frequently as appetizers, and consist primarily of ground beef, sometimes spiced with cumin.

    In Bolivia, in addition to beef or chicken, empanadas often contain potatoes, peas, carrots, and either a quail's egg, olive or raisins. Bolivians also eat fried cheese empanadas, which are brushed with sugar icing.

    In Chile, because beef is more expensive, some of the beef filling is replaced with minced onion. Chileans eat empanadas particularly on September 18, during their national celebration.

    Ecuadorian and Colombian empanadas are frequently made with corn-seasoning or flour. In both countries, empanadas are often paired with an Aji sauce, which is made of cilantro, scallions, vinegar, salt and lemon juice. In Ecuador, red peppers and sometimes chopped tomato are integrated into the Aji sauce.

    A variety of Colombian empanadas is the stuffed potato, which, as the name explains, is made my stuffing a potato (and then breading it), rather than wrapping the stuffing in dough. Stuffed potato empanadas are circular rather than semi-circular.

    In Ecuador, some people make empanadas de arroz, rice empanadas, which are deep fried. In Panama and Peru, empanadas are smaller than in other Latin American countries, and in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico, sweet fillings are more common, so that empanadas are as much as breakfast and dessert item as an appetizer.

    Uruguayan empanadas are similar to the Argentine varieties, but Uruguay is also known for their particularly tasty sweet empanadas, which combine dulce de leche and chocolate, and are covered with sugar or apple jam.
    An example on the influences of indigenous South American cuisine in Argentinean's today food trends:

    Welcome to the two different worlds of cuisine in Argentina. On one hand, there is the urban cuisine, highly influenced by international recipes and cooking trends, reflecting Argentina's importance in global society. Second, there is the rural cuisine that draws inspiration from the indigenous cultures in the north of Argentina. In the last case, an interesting social phenomena is happening as we speak.

    Portenos, people from the city of Buenos Aires, had adopted only in recent years some indigenous techniques into the new world of Argentine cuisine. Today, we can observe the typical Argentine empanadas being sprinkle with sugar which is a special costume used in Tucuman, a province in the north of Argentina. Frying empanadas with lard has also been adopted by some of the well-known chefs in Buenos Aires. Lard has been a tradition in empanadas making techniques in Misiones, another province in the north bordering with Paraguay and Brazil. While there are many other indigenous food preparation of Argentine traditional foods, it seems that young Argentineans chefs are adopting them slowly making sure that is a reflection of recycling innovation and not lack of contemporary cuisine knowledge.

    Recipe covered at my cooking class
    Crust for baked Empanadas Argentinas

    1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
    1 cup of Salmuera (brine). Prepare a concoction with dissolved salt in hot water and left aside until cold.
    4 ounces of butter or margarine
    Crust for fried Empanadas Argentinas

    1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
    6 teaspoon of corn oil
    1 egg
    1 cup of boiling water

    To make the crust, place the flour into a bowl and mix the margarine or butter into the flour using your fingers. Pour the Salmuera slowly into the mix and mix it with your fingers just until the dough comes together and can be formed easily into a ball. Let the dough rest (outside the fridge) for about half an hour. Divide the dough in small balls the size of half an egg. Then roll with a roller pin out to a thickness of 1/8-inch making a rounded shape.

    1 pound ground beef
    2 tablespoons Corm oil
    1 tablespoons of butter
    1 large yellow onion chopped in small squares
    2 hard boiled eggs, finely chopped
    1/2 cup green olives, finely chopped
    2 tablespoons raisins
    ¼ cup chopped spring green onion (only the green part)
    1 tablespoon ground hot and sweet paprika
    1 tablespoon ground red dry spicy peppers
    1 tablespoon cumin
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
    Glaze is optional

    1 egg, beaten
    1 tablespoon milk


    In a large saucepan, melt the butter with corn oil together, and place the onions and stir them until transparent. Add the ground beef, next add the raisin, spices, salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste and stir with a fork to keep the meat broken-up. Pour over the about a half cup of water and let it cook for about about 10 minutes or until meat is completely cooked. Once cooked, place in a bowl, cover it and put in the refrigerator (for better taste) over night, otherwise if time does not permit, leave the filling for about an hour in the refrigerator. Once you have the mix cold then is when you add the hard boiled eggs, green olives and spring green onions.

    Filling the empanadas

    Take the dough you let to rest and divide the dough in small balls the size of half an egg. Then roll with a roller pin out to a thickness of 1/8-inch making a rounded shape from each ball. Spoon the filling onto one half of each leaving room to fold in the other half and seal. Tab some warm water with your fingers, place in half of the ends so the dough will stick better, press the edges with the tip of a fork or you can do what we call in Argentina "repulgue" which instead of using the fork to seal you flip it upwards and press with your fingers. Place on a non-stick baking pan or add a thin layer of butter to the pan. Combine the ingredients for the glaze and brush each empanada at the top. Put oven heat to 350 and bake until the crust turns light brown.

    Tip for the Fried Empanadas
    Use sunflower oil. When frying the empanadas do it only in batches no more than three at a time. Then place in basket or tray and sprinkle with sugar.

    Thank you, and I would very much be happy to hear back from you.

Teresita Bella, December 23rd, 2007 at 6:28 am:

  • Please add my recipe to your wonderful blog!

William, January 21st, 2008 at 10:18 pm:

  • Sub : Link Exchange Partner

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    We would like to exchange links with your site. If you'd like to reciprocate
    links with us, please post our link with the following information.

    Link title : corporate gift baskets
    URL: http://www.bluechopsticks.com/gift_baskets.asp
    Description: Bluechopsticks carries thousands of gifts for many popular occasions.

    Kindly send details of the link page and your site link information.

    Thank you.


    bluechopsticks.com Links Admin

Alan, February 18th, 2008 at 7:54 am:

  • Hi,

    I would like to inform you about my website: http://www.tobook.com.
    It offers online hotel reservations worldwide. I would like to ask you to visit the Buenos Aires section. We just started with Buenos Aires couple of months ago.

    Buenos Aires Hotels

    If you are interested I also would like to give a link back.


Jeffrey, May 28th, 2008 at 2:02 am:

  • I'm a, "make it myself" kind of guy too. Kudos!

Aidan, August 10th, 2008 at 1:44 pm:

  • A website for English learners developed with Free and Open Source software, verbbusters offers the opportunity to practice the irregular verbs free online as well as providing extensive reference material. All wellcome.

can berber, October 15th, 2008 at 5:38 am:

John, December 3rd, 2008 at 4:34 pm:

  • Nice website you have!

    I just made my own at http://www.grilling24×7.com. My site displays charcoal grilling and smoking recipes, photos, and tips!

Kevin, February 3rd, 2009 at 12:43 pm:

Samantha, April 15th, 2009 at 3:45 pm:

  • Dear Teresita, I am a high school student from Calfornia. I have a project coming up for m spanish class and i was asked to make empanadas. I have found many meat-filled empanadas, but i was hoping you could help me by giving me a recipe for a fruit-filled or dessert empenada. I do not eat meat, so i was looking for a sweat one(:

    Please e-mail me at sammidlovesu@yahoo.com if you have any information for me. Thank you! -Samantha

edmundo vargas, July 21st, 2009 at 12:33 pm:

  • About Buenos Aires Argentina: travel guide to Buenos Aires; city travel and adventure travel, hotels, Spanish schools

Foodntravella, July 31st, 2009 at 1:50 am:

  • Hi!

    I love your web design i.e simple, neat and friendly. Also informative contents and great pictures.

    Btw, I'm a new blogger…still need to learn a lot especially from expert like you.

    Do visit my blog @ http://foodntravella.blogspot. Please comment as I appreciate it very much.


edmundo vargas, August 11th, 2009 at 12:07 pm:

  • Dear webmaster,

    I have visited your site http://www.orthogonalthought.com and really liked it. It is very professional, well designed and easy to navigate.

    I would like to propose a link exchange partnership with your site.

    As you probably already know, link popularity is a major factor in getting your site noticed by the search engines and getting traffic onto your site.

    My Link information is as follows:

    URL : http://www.aboutbuenosaires.org
    Title: About Buenos Aires Argentina, travel guide to Buenos aires
    Description : About Buenos Aires Argentina: travel guide to Buenos Aires; city travel and adventure travel, hotels, Spanish schools.

    Please simply copy and paste the following html code to your links page:

    About Buenos Aires Argentina About Buenos Aires Argentina: travel guide to Buenos Aires; city travel and adventure travel, hotels, Spanish schools.

    If you agree, I will add your link within 24 hours in our Travel & Language directory: http://www.travel-language.com
    Just let me know where you place our link and send me your link details.

    Best regards,

    Edmundo Vargas Mejia
    Web Master
    Dpto. Informatica

    If you think that you have received this e-mail by a mistake please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE". Your e-mail will be removed from the mailing list.

Tiby, September 29th, 2009 at 6:59 pm:

  • Hey sir

    I like your websites very much, it is professional and well designed, and i made a website about health and food, certainly consists of recipes, and i would want to exchange the link, what about you?

    my website is http://www.lonlu.com

    my email is tibywang@126.com

    hope to hear from you

rouademunte, October 13th, 2009 at 3:17 pm:

mohammad, November 28th, 2009 at 9:02 am:

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mohammad, November 28th, 2009 at 9:02 am:

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    Turkey. As you will discover, there are so many places to see and to visit in this huge country!
    What makes this experience so special is that when you go home, you'll have a lot more than great memories and some cool photos. Here at Team Travel (TURKEY EASY TRAVEL-official name Team Travel), we want to do everything we can to make your experience in the Turkey as enjoyable, exciting and successful as possible. This website is just one way for us to give you tips and information to help you prepare or to answer your questions while you are in the Turkey.

oscar, February 17th, 2010 at 9:15 am:

mohammad, June 22nd, 2010 at 7:24 am:

  • Turkey. As you will discover, there are so many places to see and to visit in this huge country!
    What makes this experience so special is that when you go home, you'll have a lot more than great memories and some cool photos. Here at Team Travel (TURKEY EASY TRAVEL-official name Team Travel), we want to do everything we can to make your experience in the Turkey as enjoyable, exciting and successful as possible. This website is just one way for us to give you tips and information to help you prepare or to answer your questions while you are in the Turkey.

oscar, January 18th, 2011 at 6:18 am:

  • Dos Manos Travel Agency Argentina, Tour Operator in Buenos Aires, Bariloche, Cordoba

kate beckett, February 3rd, 2011 at 10:07 pm:

  • Dear Webmaster,

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    We look forward to being link partners.




nice web site i love this site, March 10th, 2011 at 2:55 am:

  • nice web site …i love this web site

Eliana, May 19th, 2011 at 2:49 pm:

  • Dear webmaster
    I have visited your site http://www.orthogonalthought.com and really liked it. It is very professional, well designed and easy to navigate.
    I would appreciate if you place a link to my site with the following information:
    URL: http://www.studyspanishbuenosaires.com/studyspanish/Tango.php
    TITLE: Tango Buenos Aires
    DESCRIPTION: Today in Buenos Aires, three different forms of the Argentine Tango can be found: Salon, Fantasia, and one created specifically for the stage.
    Best Regards,
    Links Manager
    Internet Marketing & Business

Eliana, May 19th, 2011 at 2:52 pm:

  • Dear webmaster
    I have visited your site http://www.orthogonalthought.com and really liked it. It is very professional, well designed and easy to navigate.
    I would appreciate if you place a link to my site with the following information:
    TITLE: Traveling to Cartagena Colombia
    DESCRIPTION: Cartagena of the West Indies, or simply Cartagena as it is widely known, is a thriving city on the northern coast of Colombia.
    Best Regards,
    Links Manager
    Internet Marketing & Business

useful website, November 17th, 2012 at 4:24 am:

  • Great blog post! Saved to bookmarks!