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Free Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Calculator on a Microsoft Windows Mobile device

Posted 7 November, 2007 at 10:05pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Windows Mobile) 4 comments

I finally made the upgrade and went to a Pocket PC / Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone. I got myself the HTC Mogul (aka HTC PPC-6800) for use with Sprint PCS. It's a pretty nifty phone - bigger than my old crappy Sony Ericsson T616, but if it replaces my PDA (Palm m515) and phone, then it'll be worth it.

There are several programs that I use on my Palm m515 that I have found invaluable (or perhaps I just got so used to having the application that I can't seem to imagine using something that doesn't work as well). RPN is one such program. It is a postfix (where you enter values onto a stack and apply operators after) calculator for Palm OS. Users of HP accounting calculators and the legendary HP48GX scientific calculator will be used to using a reverse polish notation calculator.

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Free Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Calculator on a Microsoft Windows Mobile device