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What I Ate: August 17th, 2011 (Bee Cave Tavern)

Posted 19 August, 2011 at 4:57pm by Tina Jiang
(Filed under: Dining, What I Ate) No comments

We were in the Bee Caves area so we decided to check out Bee Cave Tavern (11715 Bee Cave Road, Bee Caves, TX 512-477-6535), formerly Zoot where we had dined several times before. We knew that the owner was changing the concept for the restaurant. Whereas Zoot was fine dining in a low key setting, BC Tavern is an upscale, family friendly tavern whose offerings include burgers and other comfort foods. We ordered an appetizer and two main entries.

BC Mac-n-cheese with black truffle ($12)
We absolutely loved this appetizer. We sopped up every last drop of the cheese sauce with our bread.
BC Mac-n-Cheese with Black Truffle

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What I Ate: August 17th, 2011 (Bee Cave Tavern)