Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop





Posted 4 February, 2011 at 1:52am by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Austin)

After a couple days of below freezing temperatures, it started to snow tonight. Here's a picture I took threw my office window (through a screen which is why there are grid lines) down my driveway just minutes ago.
Snow on Driveway at 3:00am

And a close up.
Snow - Closeup

Even closer. Here you can see the snow was disturbed by animals. We actually saw the two cats that made these tracks when I first peered out the window to see if it was snowing. I used a flashlight to look at the snow outside of the window and when I panned up, caught a black cat standing on the driveway. The cat walked down the driveway and another, smaller, gray cat followed. The two seemed to be doing just fine in the 20°F conditions.
Snow - Super Closeup

The weather has been extreme this week. On Sunday, it was T-shirt weather at 80°F during the day. On Monday, it was 80°F again but late at night (at 3:10am) the cold front hit. The temperature dropped from around 65°F to 41°F in just 20 minutes. I knew the moment the cold front hit as it created an audible sound as it passed over our house. The temperature continued to drop through the night and hovered just above freezing until morning (8:00am) when it plummeted below freezing and has not yet returned. (Keep in mind, this is Austin, Texas!) By that night, the temperature was in the teens and my water supply line to my bathroom sink had frozen (somehow, Tina's sink had not - the line runs on the same path as mine). I bundled up in cold weather mountain gear and climbed up into the 16°F attic to see if I could gain access to the line (which is thankfully PEX, so bursting is unlikely) to thaw it out. No luck.

The next day, Wednesday, we discovered our laundry supply line had frozen too.

Today's high was 27°F and right now it's 20.5°F.

2 comments to Snow

Melissa Addison, February 7th, 2011 at 9:41 am:

  • Hey Michael - hope you got out from under all the snow. I have a question for you about your New York Cheesecake recipe. I baked a couple of these for friends, and couldn't deliver during the ice and snow. Now that the events have passed, these have been in the fridge chilling for about a day. Can I freeze one of them? Will this affect its quality?

Michael Chu, February 7th, 2011 at 12:51 pm:

  • You can definitely freeze cheesecakes. Just wrap them up in plastic wrap (I actually press the plastic wrap to the top surface, but if you do that it will leave a pattern as you pull the plastic wrap away - which can be solved by topping them with something. It's really not necessary to wrap them up that tightly if they'll be consumed in a month or two). Thaw it in the refrigerator… it might take more than a day for a large, intact cheesecake.