Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




Hairy Eats at Red Robin

Posted 18 April, 2010 at 11:49pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Hairy)

We had our first restaurant meal with Hairy on Sunday. Hairy got to have lunch at Red Robin in Northeast San Antonio.
Hairy at Red Robin

We ate our lunch first (as befits our status as pack leaders).
Lunch with Hairy at Red Robin

Hairy waits for our say so before he eats. Instilling discipline is important in providing any dog with healthy structure in their lives. A life without mental discipline can lead to behavioral issues.
Hairy waits for the signal to eat

Hairy has his first restaurant meal - a Red Robin hamburger (patty).
Hairy eats a Red Robin Hamburger (patty)

3 comments to Hairy Eats at Red Robin

DPLK, April 20th, 2010 at 9:04 am:

  • I love reading about the adventures of Hairy the Dog! It sounds like you're giving him good training in order to be a well-behaved dog in today's society (and maybe also a ninja dog too). Do you think you are going to get him a companion? You alluded to the fact you are in the process of looking.

Michael Chu, April 20th, 2010 at 2:04 pm:

  • I think for the time being the search for Hairy's companion is on hold. The problem is that Hairy likes to be outdoors while the weather is cool (cooler than 80F) because it's cooler outdoors than indoors. Most dogs, on the other hand, prefer to be indoors - so for the other dog to be a real companion during the non-summer months, it'll need similar temperature thresholds (otherwise, during fall, winter, and spring, Hairy will want to hang out outside while the other dog wants to be indoors).

    Also, we'd prefer if the other dog plays with Hairy calmly (some dogs play by running around each other and just hanging out - others play by wrestling each other, barking, and nipping - we'd prefer the former over the latter) and has Hairy's tendency to not bark. We would also like the other dog to be able to run/walk similar distances to Hairy so exercising them isn't an additional burden (currently we walk Hairy around three times a day for six miles +/- 2 miles depending on how he feels).

Stu, March 13th, 2011 at 6:21 am:

  • Just stumbled upon your blog and am truly enjoying the food pics (makes me hungry for a good steak)….but I am most impressed with your comments on Hairy. What good pet owners you are…keep spreading the word about being alpha, long walks and mental stability!