Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




What I Ate: March 30, 2010

Posted 30 March, 2010 at 10:21pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Food, What I Ate)

Lunch: We had some venison burger patties that we purchased from HEB, so we cooked them and served them on Pepperidge Farms Deli Flats with mayonnaise and ketchup. The burger had a really bad texture (grainy and mushy) and the flavor was pretty bad. I don't know how to describe the flavor but on top of the bad taste there was also the taste of a lot of iron - like it was part liver.
Venison Burger with Potato Chips and Pickle

Dinner: I prepared some pork that I found in the freezer (I think it was pork shoulder) sous vide with rosemary and thyme at 55°C for 18 hours. The texture was good, but not as tender/juicy as when I brine pork before cooking. In addition, the seasoning I prepared wasn't strong enough, so I made a sauce for it and added some roasted poblano chile. I served it with grilled broccolini. Later we had some sweet potato as well.
Sous Vide Pork Shoulder, Poblano Chile, Broccolini