Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




The Macy's That Doesn't Know What Time It's Open

Posted 4 January, 2009 at 6:36pm by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Life, Rant)

Friday night, we wet out running some errands and Tina realized that there was something at Macy's she wanted to look for. It was 9:00pm, and we were in the Mountain View Best Buy (looking for Civilization Revolution (PS3) which, by the way, Best Buy no longer carries). Tina's Google Maps on her phone was acting up and couldn't get the telephone number of the Macy's in Sunnyvale and looked a little worried so I asked her what the problem was. She said Google Maps on her Palm Centro wasn't working properly and I poked around on it a little and couldn't get it to find the Macy's closest to us. I was about to pull out my phone and do a search when I asked why she needed the Macy's location when we knew very well where it was. She said she wanted Macy's telephone number and I said, "Duh, why didn't you ask me???" (For the last five years our home phone number has been just one digit off from Macy's so for about 50% of the calls we receive it's actually for Macy's and I try to provide the number to those callers - unfortunately for them, they usually hang up without saying anything.) I told her the number to call (which is actually the number to Macy's at Valley Fair) and we found out they were to close at 9:30.

I said, no problem, we could get to the Macy's in Sunnyvale Town Center with plenty of time to spare. I drive over and we walk up to the door and look at the store hours posted there. Yep, they have special holiday hours and they close at 9:30 instead of the usual 9:00pm. Fifteen minutes would be plenty since Tina knew what she wanted to look at. In we went and got about 10 yards into the store when I realized that the few employees behind the counter and near that entrance were staring at us. My brain kicked in and I rewound the conversations I heard while walking into the store - the employees had been talking about what time it was and something about closing. One of the employees said to us, "We're closed!" I said, "No, it's not yet 9:30."

Giving me an exasperated look, the employee repeated, "Closed. We close at 9, not 9:30."

"That's not what your sign says - it says holiday hours."

"It's not the holidays anymore. We're closed."

We walked back out of the store (the employees were now conversing about who should lock the doors) and then I poked my head back in - "What time do you close tomorrow?"

"7 o'clock"

"Nope, it says 9pm here. You should take down this sign if you are going to resume your regular hours."

She came over, looked at the sign, said "Oh!" in surprise, and peeled off the holiday hours.

Macy’s Holiday Hours Sign

This wasn't the first time we've had problems or witnessed issues with that Macy's. I wonder if they're going to last.

1 comment to The Macy's That Doesn't Know What Time It's Open

Nate, January 6th, 2009 at 10:11 am:

  • Seriously. Who's minding the store?