Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




I'll pay you for your comments…

Posted 1 October, 2008 at 11:01am by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Orthogonal Thought)

I find it difficult to be enthusiastic about posting or even know what people like to see (I found out months later that people actually liked the What I Ate series even though I didn't receive any comments on three months worth of posts), so starting October 2008 I'll try something new: I'll Paypal $10 to the commenter of my choice (probably random unless that month there is a comment or series of comments that I like the best). The following rules apply:

  • Spammers won't get any money
  • Remember to leave your email address when you post (either make an account or leave it in the form - it's not posted to the site, so don't worry) so I can contact you if you win

Update October 31, 2008: I'm closing the contest for the month of October. For the time being, I won't be continuing the comments contest, but I might revive it in a future month. I made a list of all the people who commented in October and included their email address (there were 24 unique emails). Then I generated a random number (it came up 18) and that's my winner. I'll announce the winner here once I receive confirmation via email from them.

16 comments to I'll pay you for your comments…

Papa, October 1st, 2008 at 11:20 am:

  • Maybe if you posted nudities you would get more comments? JK

    I enjoyed the "What I Ate Series" as well as any food photography you do. How about a "What's In My Fridge" series or a "Photos of Leftovers" series?

    Btw, I still think you should just fold this blog into CFE, but I understand your reasons for not doing so.

    Since you are clued into the food blogging space, it might be worthwhile discussing what's going on there too. That might actually generate some discussion.

    Also — why not try to do a food controversies column? They say debate/controversy is the way to get people going. Just a thought.

Michael Chu, October 1st, 2008 at 11:22 am:

  • Those are some good ideas… maybe I could do a weekly series highlighting other people's food sites and blogs? That'll get me looking at other sites too - I'm way too insular right now.

Gregg Mendoza, October 1st, 2008 at 4:35 pm:

  • I want to take a moment to thank you for everything you've posted actually. I don't want to be in the contest I just want you to know that I've loved following both this blog and the CFE blog. I loved the observation on the cheap interview lunches at Costco and I've enjoyed other random bits you've posted. Keep up the good work.

Michael Chu, October 1st, 2008 at 5:01 pm:

  • Thanks Gregg!

Nate, October 1st, 2008 at 7:55 pm:

  • Have you read "No One Cares What You Had for Lunch"? When I see your "What I Ate" pics I think of that book and chuckle.

    Skellie from Skelliwag.org had a good article recently, titled "Be the Best, Be Discovered" that I think every blogger should read. It made me stop and think about why I was really blogging - am I doing it for fame or money, or am I doing it to contribute something really cool that I think the world should know about, even if I am not acknowledged?

    I don't think you should be paying for comments. (And if by some chance I do win the $10, I'd say keep it.) You want comments, create something remarkable and simply ask for a response. What are you passionate about? What would you rather be doing? I think if you open that up in your blog, you will see more interest.


Michael Chu, October 1st, 2008 at 9:35 pm:

  • But paying for comments seems to be working! I don't necessarily want to open stuff up to discussion - I just want to know whether or not people like my posts or what they'd like to see instead. It'll be lame to end each post with:
    Please comment if you liked this.

Arlene, October 3rd, 2008 at 6:53 am:

  • This is thinking outside the box…which I guess engineers are paid to do. Right? I found your site through 'stumble' and immediately forwarded your address to my computer geek son who loves to cook. Great site. I plan on spending time at your cook site as well as this blog. I actually enjoy reading about cooking - more than cooking.

Nate, October 3rd, 2008 at 7:30 am:

  • So, there's got to be a way to write so that the article itself calls for comments, without you having to explicitly ask/pay for them.

Michael Chu, October 3rd, 2008 at 8:42 am:

  • Yes, Nate, but I don't write like that - thus the problem. I don't want to change how I write or present leading questions because that's not how I write. I've done it in the past - like the entry on celebrity chefs, but it feels fake and contrived to me. In addition, it didn't really work.

    But, I agree, changing how I write will probably lend itself to more comments, but all I really want is, "show me more pictures like this one" or "more food related stuff" or "this topic is boring to me".

Nate, October 3rd, 2008 at 11:11 am:

  • hm.

    maybe it would be easier to put up a poll:

    Choose one:
    o I like this picture - do more like this
    o I don't like this picture - do something else

    Or some kind of rating system:


kat, October 11th, 2008 at 4:02 am:

  • I've been a fairly regular viewer of your blog as well. It just never seemed to call for comments. Ironically, even when you explicitly request feedback I still have none for you. Take pictures of what you enjoy.

Hungry Gal, October 13th, 2008 at 9:53 am:

  • Michael - I just happened upon your site by googling a recipe for pecan pie… you are quite near the top. Your recipes are well-organized and concise. Not only is it great technically, it's very lovely visually. Your writing voice is great. I agree with Nate in that you don't need to pay people to leave comments. Just keep doing what you do.

Lily, October 26th, 2008 at 8:29 am:

  • Brilliant! I give you full marks.You have taken all the pains to explain to us so well "The whole soap making process" along with the pictures of each stage.I got so engrossed reading the whole process, as if I was with you attending the class.Thank you for such an informative article.God Bless you.

Shirley, October 28th, 2008 at 11:53 am:

  • You got my curiosity going and can't help laughing after reading your post "What’s Inside An Avocado Pit?" I was expecting something inside the pit too! =)

    I like your step by step recipes with photos and enjoy reading your blog! pls. don't give up! =)

LIZA, November 28th, 2008 at 8:24 pm:

  • I absolutely LOVE your posts- as I read/observe/go about my business, I become curious about everything as I discover new things. So, usually, I have to go out of my way to find out about whatever it is I just read about mid-paragraph, but here I've noticed that if I just continue on, you do all the explaining necessary! (ESPECIALLY with the recipes! I'm the first person to wonder how to adapt something to my needs/liking/tastes, etc, and as an example, the Toll-House cookie recipe page explained everything including all questionable variants, leaving me feeling satisfied with no further questions/experiments necessary!)

    I find this to be a HUGE relief. (!) Thanks, Michael, again for your meticulousness and thorough explanations, as I find most websites inconsistent or somehow lacking useful information…

    And- about the avocado pit, I've wondered the same thing and after cutting one apart (unintentionally), I planted a new one, which grew into a green, bushy plant.

    I'd be happy to give my two cents. (I just never want to be "that person" who always has to voice their opinion…)

    Thanks again! New favorite website!

    Liza :)

Michael Chu, December 1st, 2008 at 6:12 pm:

  • Thanks Liza! I'm glad you like my writing!