Orthogonal Thought | Random musings from the creator of Cooking For Engineers and Lead Architect of Fanpop




What I Ate: January 28, 2008

Posted 31 January, 2008 at 10:06pm by Michael Chu
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For lunch, I couldn't resist getting Kentucky Fried Chicken. I picked up a three piece meal (and specially requested two legs and one thigh) with cole slaw and mashed potatoes. I always have trouble deciding between KFC's Original Recipe or Extra Crispy - I think original tastes better, but sometimes you just want some crunch. I ordered the Extra Crispy today (although I immediately regretted it and wished I got a mix).

KFC - Three Piece Meal

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What I Ate: January 28, 2008

What I Ate: January 27, 2008

Posted 31 January, 2008 at 10:06pm by Michael Chu
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It's amazing. I came down with the flu pretty suddenly on Jan 21, and just as suddenly it lifted. I woke up and didn't really feel anything wrong except for a mild cough. However, that doesn't cure being lazy, so for lunch I just ate the left overs of the turkey noodle soup that I made the day before.

Leftover turkey noodle soup

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What I Ate: January 27, 2008

What I Ate: January 26, 2008

Posted 30 January, 2008 at 11:10pm by Michael Chu
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This was the first day in the week where my nose was not fully congested (unable to breathe without the aid of a concoction of medicines which eventually escalated to Afrin).

In the last couple days of scrounging through the freezer, I had discovered that I had some turkey stock in storage there. So, when I finally got up in the morning, I melted one of the containers of broth and cooked some egg noodles in it. I wanted fresh carrots, but there were none to be had, so I looked for the frozen kind. None of that either, so in went a handful of frozen (dessicated) peas.

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What I Ate: January 26, 2008

What I Ate: January 25, 2008

Posted 29 January, 2008 at 10:41pm by Michael Chu
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This is the culinary low point of my flu-like sickness. I managed to cook a couple eggs. I was planning on scrambling them, then decided to make an omelet and then changed my mind halfway through, so it's a little too evenly cut to be considered scrambled, but clearly not an omelet.

Broken Egg omelet

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What I Ate: January 25, 2008

What I Ate: January 24, 2008

Posted 29 January, 2008 at 10:41pm by Michael Chu
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I've been sick since Sunday night and sleeping about fifteen hours a day. It hasn't really affected my bowels, so eating hasn't been an issue. Digging through the freezer again, I cooked a couple hash brown patties and the remaining Trader Joe's chicken burrito (they come in pairs and I ate one on Jan. 21).

Trader Joe's Hash Brown Patties

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What I Ate: January 24, 2008

What I Ate: January 23, 2008

Posted 29 January, 2008 at 10:41pm by Michael Chu
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I had a three piece chicken meal from El Pollo Loco. I ordered a two piece thigh and leg meal with spanish rice, steamed vegetables, and flour tortillas. What I got was a drumstick, thigh, and a breast along with the rice and vegetables. In exchange for the extra piece, I suppose, they punished me with corn tortillas (which I never particularly liked when eating El Pollo Loco).

El Pollo Loco - Two Piece Meal with Spanish Rice, Steamed Vegetables, and Flour Tortillas

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What I Ate: January 23, 2008

What I Ate: January 22, 2008

Posted 28 January, 2008 at 9:07pm by Michael Chu
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I was complaining about how I didn't know what to feed myself when Tina told me to order some soup from Tong Soon Garden. I said, I'm sick and it's seafood and she shrugged. So, I did what I was told and ordered some seafood noodle soup from Tong Soon Garden Restaurant (Google Maps) in Santa Clara for lunch.

Tong Soon Garden - Seafood Noodle Soup

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What I Ate: January 22, 2008

What I Ate: January 21, 2008

Posted 28 January, 2008 at 9:06pm by Michael Chu
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I woke up this morning sick. Not expecting this, we scrounged around in the freezer for some "backup" foods since going out wasn't an option. Tina and I shared a Trader Joe's Fajita Burrito and Chicken Burrito (which we split by cutting to reduce the chance of contamination).

Trader Joe's Fajita Burrito

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What I Ate: January 21, 2008

What I Ate: January 20, 2008

Posted 21 January, 2008 at 7:31pm by Michael Chu
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I almost didn't include this, but Tina insisted that even a quick couple bites counts as breakfast and breakfast is a major meal and so should be documented. I had half a glazed donut (only a quarter is shown since I took a bite already) and a cup of tea.

Glazed Donut (quarter)

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What I Ate: January 20, 2008

What I Ate: January 19, 2008

Posted 21 January, 2008 at 1:26am by Michael Chu
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At lunch time, we dug through the refrigerator for left overs and ended up sharing the left over shrimp quesadilla and pork ribs with rice.

Leftover Shrimp Quesadilla

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What I Ate: January 19, 2008