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Photo of the Day: Storm Clouds

Posted 1 January, 2009 at 9:30am by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Photography)

I'll start off the New Year with one of my favorite photographs. I took this photograph right after it rained in Death Valley, California. The cloud was looming overhead and the wind was blowing sand into the air from the distant sand dunes. I shot this from a low vantage point with a 28mm lens onto Fuji Velvia 50. I chose the film for its nearly unparalleled resolution (pretty much only Provia 100 beats it in terms of sharpness and detail) and post-processed in photoshop to simulate a red filter over black and white film to emphasize the cloud by darkening the sky.
Storm Clouds
Tripod, unrecorded exposure on Velvia 50, 28mm lens

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