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Photo of the Day: Ocean Meditation

Posted 7 December, 2008 at 9:30am by Michael Chu
(Filed under: Photography)

Last week, I took this picture of a woman sitting peacefully as waves crashed in around her at Muir Beach. I wasn't paying attention to my settings and took the shot with the aperture too small resulting in an effective sensor sensitivity of ISO 1250. I used a long lens, but the depth that the photo covers relative to me was such that I probably could have gotten away with a setting of f/5.6, so my sensitivity could have been ISO 320 or even ISO 200 leaving me with a less noisy image. At web resolutions, this isn't a problem, but I like my photos as high quality as possible…
Ocean Meditation
Handheld, 1/500 sec at f/16 on ISO 1250, 70-200mm f/2.8 lens

This photo does a better job capturing the scale of some of the waves crashing in on her location, but she's harder to see without the white of the splash providing contrast.
Ocean Meditation
Handheld, 1/500 sec at f/16 on ISO 2200, 70-200mm f/2.8 lens

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